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Zagreb is capital city of Croatia, with population of 790,017. Patroness of the city of Zagreb is Our Lady of the Stone Gate. There are also 70 neighbourhoods. Mayor of the city of Zagreb is Milan Bandić.


History of the City of Zagreb


Zagreb has grown from two villages: Gradec and Kaptol in the neighboring hills.


1094.- founded on Kaptol , the first written mention of the City

1242.- Zagreb ( Gradec ) Golden Bull of Croatian - Hungarian King Bela IV . Became a free town

1557.- Zagreb was first mentioned as the Croatian capital city

1607.- Jesuits find first High School and Academy. That year is considered the founding year of Zagreb University.

1776.- The seat of government was moved to Zagreb from Varaždin

7. September 1850.- Kaptol , Gradec and Vlaška Ves are united in Zagreb.

June 25, 1991.- the Croatian Parliament proclaimed independence and sovereignty of the Croatian. Zagreb becomes the capital city of Croatia.

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